As to Labour Law, REIS MALHEIRO assesses in the drafting of employment contracts (types of employment and contractual clauses adequate to the need at hand and the culture and structure of the company); disciplinary proceedings; safety, hygiene and health protection at work; accidents at work; hiring of foreign employees (namely in obtaining visas) or EU workers, both in secondment or in new hiring.
Our team also has solid experience in employment litigation, having sponsored judicial proceedings concerning the different aspects of the employment relationship, its creation, development and termination, namely intervening (both filing and contesting) in cases of individual or collective dismissal; redundancies; and employment restructuring. We also sponsor and follow-up administrative processes such as requests for payments by the Wage Guarantee Fund.
As to Social Security Law, we are often asked to negotiate retirement plans; regularise contributory records both in Portugal and abroad; defend clients in cases of litigation related to executive, criminal or administrative offences; file administrative requests to challenge decisions related to the attribution of pensions, etc..
Please refer also to the following related areas:
– Immigration
– Litigation and dispute resolution